Winslow Township School 5
Winslow Township School #5
Notes From Our Nurse
Ms. Auguste, RN


If your child has a mild cold or cough, keeping him/her out of school probably won’t prevent transmitting the cold virus to others. This is because most upper respiratory illnesses are contagious before a child is noticeably ill. However, if there is a constant or heavy cough or if nasal drainage is thick and colorful you should speak to you physician before sending him/her to school.
  • If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or greater, please keep them out of school until they are fever free, (under 100 degrees) for 24 hrs. They will need plenty of rest, plenty of fluids and possible medical evaluation.
  • If your child is vomiting or has uncontrolled diarrhea, keep him/her out of school.
  • If your child has a fever with a rash, speak to your doctor before you take him/her to school.
  • If your child has strep throat, pinkeye with discharge, ring worm or a bacterial infection keep your child out of school for 24 hours after he or she has started taking the medication.
  • Please send your child to school with plenty of tissues and instructions to wash their hands frequently.
  • Any contagious disease or condition requires a doctor’s note to return to school.
  • Any time a child is absent for any reason, a note from home is necessary. If your child is absent for 5 or more days a doctor’s note is required.
  • Please feel free to speak to either of the school nurses here at School #5 if you have any questions or concerns.

Administration of Medication at School

Should it become necessary for your child to take medication during school hours, we will be more than happy to cooperate. However, it is important to inform you of the New Jersey State Law regarding administration of medication in the schools. Nurses will be required to have a written order from a licensed physician or dentist before administering ALL OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS, as well as prescribed medications. The school nurse or parent/guardian is the only person permitted to administer medication in the schools. This includes Tylenol and cough syrup. Administration of all prescription medications and over the counter medications must follow the school policy, Administrating Medication ( Policy 5414.21).


Important Immunization Information

All students entering 6th grade are required by the State of NJ (NJAC 8:57-4) to have two added immunizations. The first shot is Tdap or Tetanus, Diptheria, and Avellular Pertussis. The second shot is for Meningitis.

These shots are normally given close to a child’s eleventh birthday. If your child is not eleven years old yet, these immunizations are not needed until then. Parents/guardians also have a two-week period to have the immunizations given after their child’s eleventh birthday.

Please send proof of immunization to school. If you would like to fax it, our fax number is (856)-629-3828. Students who are eleven years old must have these immunizations to start school in September. If your doctor is unable to give you an appointment prior to school, please send in a note from your physician’s office indicating that information and when your child’s appointment will be.

Ms. Auguste, RN